American boy trying to become a professor at age 9 (Laurent Siemens)

This boy, a 9-year-old boy, meets us in Belgium. This boy is studying electrical engineering. His goal is to become the youngest graduate in the world.
  He lives a normal life, just like all the other kids. He plays with the little toddler.
  His breakthrough has been decided this December. After passing the final exam, he will receive a degree in Electrical Engineering. This is not just a certificate but a world record.
  He seems to have no intention of stopping there, he says.
  Although Laurent was born in Belgium, his family is now in the Netherlands.
  He finished high school in one year, and completed his three-year degree in just nine months.
  When he puts aside his books and computers, he spends his days with a pet puppy, or a video game. He is fast-paced, and even when compared to the best pupils created, he is only three times more powerful. Ācārya Doctors said ..
  Michael Kearney is the youngest to complete a previous degree. At the age of 10, he was just four months old when he set a world record in June 1994.
 Laurent Simmons has a mind-blowing hero, American inventor Nicola Tesla.
  Punchi Laurent's idea is to synthesize every part of the human body.
  His father, Alexander Siemens, declares, "He is playing with education.
